
Hungary Cracks Down Against Subversive, Soros-Backed Protests

Prime Minister Viktor Orban will use heavy-handed leadership to keep communist vermin from destroying his nation

Hungary, led by the nationalist right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban, has led the way against George Soros. They have demonized the globalist oligarch and removed his network from the country, causing a serious backlash from the organized mobs of the left.

The Independent reports on the chaos being created by these outsiders desperate to stop nationalism from rising in Hungary:

Hungarian politicians opposing the rule of right-wing nationalist prime minister Viktor Orban have been ejected from the headquarters of a state broadcaster in Budapest.

In videos posted on opposition politician Bernadett Szel’s Facebook page, she and fellow independent Akos Hadhazy were seen getting pushed out of the MTVA headquarters by security guards.

A group of 10 politicians had entered the building, insisting on the right to read five demands regarding Mr Orban’s new “slave law” live on air.

Mr Hadhazy refused to let go of the building’s staircase before he was manhandled outside by security officials.

The group’s demands included the repeal of the government’s labour law, passed last week in parliament by 130 votes to 52, which gives employers the right to request up to 400 hours of mandatory overtime annually.”

The Soros clan has been staging protests throughout Hungary as well. VICE News describes the coalition in the streets as consisting of “left-wing opposition parties, students, trade unions, and disenchanted citizens.” Orban and his supporters have called out this astroturfed campaign for the scam that it is.

“We all know that there’s no popular support behind what is happening,” Government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said.

“The Soros network is an extensive organization that has several ways of influencing public life, and one of its common ways is to make street disturbances when it fails to get political support otherwise,” said Balasz Hidveghi, who serves as director of communications for Orban’s Fidesz party.

Orban is willing to see this process through until his country is rid of all the vermin that continues to undermine the national character. Other populist right-wing leaders, such as US President Donald Trump, should look at Orban’s blueprint as something to follow when ridding their nations of its subversive interests.

Written by Joshua Finkelberg

Joshua Finkelberg is a contributor for The Schpiel.


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