
Dore Gold Declares War On Fake History

Israeli Ambassador unleashes on the left

Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Dore Gold slammed the left for promoting “fake history” during a 2019 appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Gold, an appointee of incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, claimed that the UN had consistently attempted to “replace historical truth with fake history” in relation to the connection between modern Israel and the historic Jewish state.

“[Israel] needs your help to defeat the diplomatic assaults Jerusalem faces today,” Gold proclaimed. “We need your help to fight the fake history. We need your help to fight for truth.”

Gold then went on to tout the importance of a strong relationship between the United States and Israel, the U.S.’s greatest ally in the Middle East.

“What is clear today, more than ever, is that the only force that will protect Jerusalem for all the great faiths is the modern State of Israel, which has not forgotten how its enemies sought to forcibly cut its connection with the Holy City in the past,” he added.

Gold stressed that support for Israel and crucially, its relevance to biblical history, should not be a partisan issue in the U.S.

“Your friends lose their understanding of the connection because we don’t articulate it sufficiently. It is important that your friends on the Republican side and the Democrat side hear this articulated,” he concluded.

Written by Dan Weissman

Dan Weissman is the editor of The Schpiel.


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